Criminal Investigation in Practice - Presentation of Findings

There are a few ways that evidence can be presented at the end of an investigation. It can be presented in the form of notes, a case file, an expert witness statement and giving a testimony in court. 


Notes from the investigation would include the Initial Scene Assessment, sketches of the scene and photographs from the initial investigation. These can be presented in court as part of a case file for the investigation.

Case File

A Case File would be produced for the investigation and be provided to the Crown Prosecution Service and it would have statements from all the witnesses included within the file. A case file would include notes and photos taken from the scene 

Witness Statement

Scenes of Crime Officers can provide an expert witness statement that can later be relied on in court and referred to if they are called up to give a witness testimony.


In court, as a SOCO, you are expected to give an expert witness testimony based on the evidence that you found at the crime scene and what conclusion you have drawn based on that evidence.

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